International Bremen Jazz Award winners Kompost3 create “state-of-the-art jazz with a penchant for driving beats and fantastical composition”, according to Austrian newspaper Wiener Zeitung. They’re not wrong. Featuring a 12 Points alumnus in the form of drummer Lukas König, who dazzled in a powdered blue suit and drumset with the Zappaesque duo Koenigleopold in 2013, König carries his absurdly talented inventiveness and ultra-tight beats into the Kompost3 live experience. It must be an Austrian thing. Live, blasted trash-funk grooves emerge from dense soundscapes punctuated by a cornucopia of avant-garde and progressive twists and turns by Eberles trumpet and Omerzell’s various keys. Described by Drumheads as “a delightful, inventive, risk-taking, entertaining, moving musical export from Austria, crowned with awards and esteemed highly by international audiences”, such accolades are easy to fathom. Their unique blend of low-fi, fuzzed out, beat driven sonic blasts are alive; a jumble of countless bits and smears from the king’s table and straight out the gutter, melted together into a single mass. A little funky. Sometimes a LOT funky. Kompost3 is all those things. Sit tight or, if you can’t sit tight, get up and groove.
Performing at 12 Points on Thursday night at 10:10pm
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Musikreviews“KOMPOST 3 creates bizarre, absurd musical landscapes. They use and abuse their instruments with such obvious enjoyment and imagination that one can only listen, smiling and shaking one’s head, eyes wide with delight like a kid allowed to open one present after another. ”