Like the feeling of that first sip of your ice cold soda. You can feel it in your teeth, your temples and in your veins. That is the sound of Lars Fiil Frit Fald. This is emotive music that a evokes a type of restless peace. Featuring 3 significant musicians on the Danish avantgarde improv scene, pianist Lars Fiil is joined by the saxophone and nay flute of Lis Raabjerg Kruse with Bjørn Heebøll on percussion. The focus here is on the interplay of these 3 musicians where the nuanced notes and textures demonstrate a mature sense of collective listening and tense, atmospheric improvisation that sets this expressive trio apart. Fiil’s plaintive and occasionally urgent ostinatos drive a compelling musical dialogue which ebbs and flows between abstract chamber music, scuttling fragments of melody, organised composition and an abundance of freely improvised textures. Gripping stuff.
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Jakob Baekgaard, All About Jazz““This is music that whispers in the wilderness without getting lost. ”