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RESIZED Post K PARIS France C2 A9 Olivier Hoffschir
RESIZED Post K PARIS France C2 A9 Olivier Hoffschir

It seems fitting as we enter a second centenary of jazz in 2017 to feature a band that take the original building blocks of this music, and apply almost a century of influence and evolution to
the creation of a new sound. Inspired by the clarinet strains and stride piano of the early jazz repertoire which defined this formative period, this French quartet create “new/old” music, firmly in the 21st century but taking inspiration equally from the original jazz giants like Blake & Waller as much as Brötzmann & Bailey.
Post K (i.e Post Hurricane Katrina) deliver something unique with incisive, offbeat interpretations of New Orleans jazz with added twists and turns in a tour of the influencers that followed. The result? A singular ensemble which invites listeners into these short-form snapshots of popular music that are both strikingly authentic and skillfully deconstructed, crafted in the image of the first jazz recordings but layered with almost 100 years of innovation and new ideas. Post K bring us full circle, inspired by the past but looking towards the future.
This performance is part of the “Jazz Migration” series established by AJC to support the professional development of new jazz groups.

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“Jean Dousteyssier's jazz constantly deconstructs the past and rebuilds it, going back and forth between the past and the instantaneous”
Jean-Jacques Birgé, Médiapart

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