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12 Points Festival Amsterdam

Improvised Music Company are thrilled to announce that the 13th edition of its pan-European 12 Points festival will take place in Amsterdam, from 25-28th September 2019, at the pioneering BIMHUIS venue - a leading space for creative music in Europe.

“The BIMHUIS is proud to host the bustling 12 Points festival, showing the most relevant and fresh European music. With 12 Points we invest in the future; in young, adventurous, professional musicians, in new audiences and in a powerful and innovative international scene. In collaboration with Dutch Performing Arts, BIMHUIS will also present a sparkling fringe programme with exciting Dutch bands during the festival.”
Mijke Loeven, director BIMHUIS

WED 25 Sep
Kasia Pietrzko Trio (Warsaw, Poland)
Xavi Torres (Tarragona, Spain)
Family Band (London, United Kingdom)

THU 26 Sep
Robocobra Quartet (Belfast, Northern Ireland)
Katu Kaiku (Helsinki, Finland)
Sketchbook Quartet (Vienna, Austria)

FRI 27 Sep
Filippo Vignato Trio (Venice, Italy)
Trio Heinz Herbert (Zürich, Switzerland)
Ikarai (Amsterdam, the Netherlands)

SAT 28 Sep
Juno (Trondheim, Norway)
No Tongues (Nantes, France)
The Brums (Liège, Belgium)

BIMHUIS is organizing a special fringe program with six Dutch acts in the context of 12 Points. ORANGE LINE sets the spotlight – mostly young – on musicians, with a strong, own artistic identity.

On Thursday, Friday and Saturday there are jam sessions, where everyone is welcome.
More information follows soon!

ORANGE LINE is supported by Dutch Performing Arts
12 Points is made possible by Improvised Music Company, The Arts Council, Culture Ireland

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