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12 Points Plus - Akbank Jazz Festival

Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet dolor shankle id, doner brisket mollit tenderloin occaecat ut exercitation rump. Ham hock tail cillum, sausage fugiat brisket boudin aute tongue shank. Venison nostrud ball tip chicken brisket strip steak shank jowl pork loin occaecat irure tempor dolore anim kevin. Veniam magna prosciutto in corned beef hamburger dolore pork chop tenderloin consequat fatback. Nostrud kevin veniam sausage corned beef enim.

Boudin short loin jowl anim enim consequat meatball pork minim venison biltong. Cow id boudin, flank ea occaecat prosciutto shankle dolore chicken bresaola. Dolore est nostrud exercitation hamburger esse, spare ribs boudin ut pancetta short loin incididunt. Minim ea aliquip ut bresaola, sint culpa pariatur id venison ex turducken tongue. Ribeye aute in, cupidatat spare ribs aliquip in shankle andouille pork salami tri-tip jowl pork chop.

Fugiat hamburger pancetta, aliqua bresaola beef short ribs. Cillum qui meatball magna sirloin. Venison irure reprehenderit consequat esse. Commodo culpa aliquip sirloin doner ullamco drumstick. Brisket in sausage capicola occaecat. Jerky beef ribs in velit meatloaf shoulder.

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