Cooler Clinics Sept Online: Get Export Ready
Each month, Improvised Music Company hosts a Cooler Clinic. September's clinic is an online option for those who can't make it into The Cooler or live further away.
Over the morning we're offering short 20/30 minute slots via Zoom to talk to the IMC team about anything that’s been concerning you in your career.
This month we have some resources to share about getting your work export-ready, ahead of the upcoming application deadline for showcasing at jazzahead! - a key international trade fair which takes place in Bremen, Germany every April.
However, conversations can be on any career topics, so feel free to drop in with questions in any area that you think we might be able to help on - such as social media, funding applications, newsletter marketing, releasing music, domestic and international touring, or any other areas you need demystified.
Choose the ticket for what timeslot you’d like to attend and you'll receive a Zoom link for the meeting.