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Organics & Richie Buckley

Richie Buckley - tenor saxophone
John Moriarty - guitar
Justin Carroll - hammond organ
Kevin Brady - drums

Take three parts funky organ trio, one part soulful tenor, add audience, bring to simmer and take aurally. Richie Buckley and Organics has to be an over the counter prescription for anyone in need of groove based music therapy.

Buckley, saxophonist to the stars, from Van Morrison to Elvis Costello, is without doubt one of Irish music's most charismatic performers, with a gorgeous burnished tone and a bag stuffed to overflow with melodic hooks, blatant romanticism and lightning wit.

For their part, Organics are reaping the dividend of messianic devotion to the guitar, drums and organ triumvirate, including a crafted debut CD new Light, intensive touring for Music Network, house band at The Cork Jazz Festival and one of Dublin's longest running residencies.

Harnessing the considerable muscle of the Hammond is Justin Carroll, with guitarist John Moriarty adding the sculpted lines and drummer Kevin Brady the rock steady pulse that this overtly grooving style demands. They preach the old gospel according to Jimmy Smith and Larry Young, but equally there's a contemporary slant at work, especially in those adventurous original compositions.

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