Jazz Futures II - conference at 12 Points 2014
Jazz Futures II -informing priorities for the next generation of Europe’s jazz artists
An important part of 12 Points for the past 2 years has been the daytime seminar Jazz Futures
Check out the timetable below;
10am – 12.30pm, Friday 11th & Saturday 12 April
B Salon, Norrlands Operan
Friday 11th April
1000: Welcome to Umea
- Lennart Stromback, Norrlands Opera
1005: Setting the Jazz Futures Agenda
- Gerry Godley, 12 Points
1020: Meet the mentor in residence
- Jonas Knutsson, Swedish Musician
1040: Jazz in Sweden, then and now
- Lennart Stromback
- Elin Larsson, 12 Points Artist
- Karin Inde, Swedish Jazz Federation
- Jonas Knutsson, Swedish Musician
1120: The Gatekeepers – programming trends around Europe
- Wim Wabbes (Handelsbeurs Concertzaal, Ghent)
- Jan Ole Otnaes (Nasjonal Jazzscene, Oslo)
- Frank Bolder (Lantarenvenster, Rotterdam)
1200: Jazz, Gender & Identity
- Lennart Stromback
- Nils Berg
- Monika Okroj, Polish Journalist
- Louise Nordrgen, Impro Network
1230: Ends
Saturday 12th April
1000: Building to last? – new trends in jazz education
- Joakim Milder (Royal College of Music, Stockholm)
- Joe Townsend (Trinity Laban, London)
- Linda Bleomhard (Codarts, Rotterdam)
- Brian Cole (Berklee , Valencia)
1040: Life after 12 Points – Alumni Perspectives
- Nils Berg (Nils Berg Quintet, 2007)
- Kaja Draksler (Acropolis Quintet, 2011)
- Dave Morecroft (WorldService Project, 2012)
11.20 Great Harvest, Few Labourers - the interdisciplinary horizon
- Nadin Deventer, Berlin Festspiele
- Joe Townsend, Trinity Laban
- Jonas Knutsson
12.00 Dreams & Responsibilities
- 12 Points 2014 artists & delegates
1230 Ends