New episodes of Blind Date Jazz, Sundays from 18th April
Blind Date Jazz
Sundays 8pm, from 18th April
Streaming on YouTube, Facebook, or Instagram.
New episodes of IMC’s Blind Date Jazz series are releasing on Sunday evenings from April 18th.
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram to find out each week which artists we have paired up, and watch each episode Sunday at 8pm.
IMC’s series Blind Date Jazz brings listening and creative improvisation into focus, with some of Ireland’s leading improvisers coming into the studio to create an exciting, new, musical conversation.
The twist?
Neither musician has any idea who they are playing with.
Join us on a journey with two artists shepherded into a studio bisected by a curtain, completely obscuring them from each other’s sight. They begin to play, exchanging musical thoughts, sentences, developing a theme and interacting only through the music, an open mind and completely blind. Our studio curtain drops at a certain point and they come face to face with their new improvising partner. Does the musical conversation change?
Join us Sunday evenings at 8pm, on YouTube, Facebook, or Instagram to hear.
Blind Date Jazz is an exploration in listening, intuition, skill and spontaneity, all unique hallmarks of the improvising artist.
Episode 5: Seán Carpio + Colm O'Hara
Episode 6: Meilana Gillard + Chris Guilfoyle
Episode 7: Cora Venus Lunny + Jenna Harris
The first 4 episodes of Blind Date Jazz featured leading Irish improvisers including guitarist Mike Nielsen, drummer Matthew Jacobson, pianist Izumi Kimura, guitarist Hugh Buckley, saxophonist Cathal Roche, flautist Lina Andonovska, and bassist Derek Whyte.
Watch the episodes on YouTube to hear artists individually discussing their approaches to improvisation, and then creating improvised conversations based purely on sound.
“Jazz music is the power of now. There is no script. It’s conversation.”
- Wynton Marsalis
‘Blind Date Jazz’ is one of IMC’s new online initiatives to support and sustain the Irish artist community. Check out our other online events as part of Piece by Piece, Hotter than July, and Wood Quay Summer Sessions, and subscribe to our YouTube channel to keep up to date. We are currently promoting online music lessons, and album releases, and featuring useful professional development material through our Jazz Connector sessions and our Resource articles.